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Event Appendix: Spring Egg Hunt 2012

  • On April 4, 2012, the Spring Egg Hunt was announced, and the Chocolate Factory was opened.
  • Travel there to start catching mice! Using regular cheese will get you mice that drop Marshmallow Monterey cheese. These can be used to catch mice that drop Paint to start painting your eggs.
  • Your progress on painting the eggs is displayed in the toolbar.
  • If you're up for a challenge, try using some Dark Chocolate Charms available from the Chocolate Factory Charm Shoppe. This will start attracting mice from the Shadow Clan and Forgotten Mice group, so an Arcane trap is recommended.
  • Keep in mind that the Egg Painter Mouse is only attracted if you use Marshmallow Monterey without Dark Chocolate Charms, while the Sinister Painter Mouse is only attracted if you use Marshmallow Monterey with Dark Chocolate Charms.
  • Paint for the Golden Egg will only drop once you have painted the other 9 eggs.
  • Once you have painted all the eggs, arm Marshmallow Monterey to catch the Eggscavator Mouse, which drops the Eggscavator. You may also smash them for some useful loot; to find out what the eggs contain, see this page.
  • With it, you'll be able to find bonus eggs from all over Gnawnia. A list of bonus eggs, their origin, and their contents can be found here (offsite link)
  • Eggstra Charms can be bought from the Chocolate Factory charm shoppe for 6 Marshmallow Monterey each. These, when equipped, will grant you an additional bonus egg when you catch a mouse with one (and are only consumed that way). They can also be smashed for 20 Dark Chocolate Charms.
  • The Gift Egg can be sent and received from friends without charge; go to Friends → Send Free Gifts to send them, and have one of your friends return the favor. However, this does not count toward completion towards the Eggscavator.
  • There is also another item you can receive as a gift; Scrambles the Hunting Seer! If you have him, you can consult him for a piece of advice for the game from the Inventory → Collectibles tab. Just beware the egg-scruciating puns. :p

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